Not looking for a job?
Think again. We are hiring.
Want to run your own projects from start to finish, with no account managers getting in the way?
Want to work directly with clients around the country, on varied mediums, with open and freeform creativity?
Want a hand in running a studio, rather than being a worker bee?
You are: a senior design superhero who understands strategy, a creative thinker, and an excellent communicator, both autonomous and a team player.
We are: an internationally awarded creative agency working on interesting and varied projects for government and education sector clients across Australia.
We believe giving our employees freedom and space to grow, creates more than just a workplace, and more than just a designer.
Find out about us at papermonkey.com.au
Badass folios or questions to: enquiries @ papermonkey.com.au
(Senior = 10 years +)
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